Welcome to Pennine Way Primary School


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

We are all very excited to be teaching your children this year and look forward to working closely with you to support your child in all areas of their learning.


A lot of exciting learning happens in Year 2. In geography children discover the physical and human geographical features of the United Kingdom, the Continents and Oceans, and compare resorts of Silloth, England and Cancun, Mexico. In history we find out about the Great Fire of London, the history of air travel, and a local business man John Dodgson Carr, founder of Carr’s Flour Mill. Children develop their understanding of Christianity and begin to discover Islam in Religious Education. In our busy schedule we also study art, design and technology, music, computing, science and JIGSAW, alongside the core subjects of maths, English and phonics.

This year Miss Allan will be leading the team and will be in Eagles class, Mr Hills will be in Kites class and Mrs Imrie will be in Falcons class. The Year 2 team are supported by Mrs J, Mrs Whyte, Miss Taylor, Mrs Cruikshank, Mrs Kerr and Mrs Bazyk.


Reading is vitally important in year 2. Reading records should be signed daily. Each day your child will bring a phonics book home as well as their weekly Reading for Pleasure book. Phonics books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays while reading for pleasure books will be changed every Friday. Because of this, please send your child to school with a school bag to help them transport their belongings carefully and efficiently. Each day your child will also need a water bottle and a coat and lunches should be ordered on Schoolhub.


In year 2 our PE day is displayed on our class notice boards.  Children will be getting changed in school (this was the norm before COVID). They should bring plain shorts/trousers and a white t-shirt in a bag.


We are looking forward to a fantastic year with your children and want to thank you for your continued support as this really helps us to do our best for your children.


The Year 2 Team

Miss Allan

Mr Hills

Mrs Imrie

Mrs Johnstone

Miss Kerr




Year 2 Queries

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