Welcome to Pennine Way Primary School
We hope that this website helps you to find out more about us, but if there’s something you can’t see or find please do pop in and see us. Making sure you find the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever have to make, and we want to assist you if we possibly can. We also want to make sure communication remains excellent during your child’s time here, and so we can help your child achieve their very best …and more!
Pennine Way is an exciting place to be. We are lucky to have amazing facilities and are located in the wonderful Harraby Community Campus. We benefit from the use of the British Cycling race standard cycle track; 3-G pitches and sports arena; a theatre and much more. We are always keen to share our school and visits are most welcome. Click here and you can find out more.
As your children move through the school we want to help them develop many varied skills (both academic and personal), we want to encourage them to challenge themselves and be the best they can possibly be. Our curriculum is ambitious, exciting and full of interesting knowledge and concepts. Our rich and deep curriculum is underpinned with 4 cornerstones:
- We want our pupils to be ambitious and capable learners who know their identity and can use digital technologies to safely learn and communicate
- We want our pupils to be healthy and confident individuals who understand about healthy relationships and can face and overcome challenge. We hope to equip them with the skills to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
- We want our pupils to grow into ethical and informed citizens who understand about human and democratic rights and responsibilities
- We want our pupils to be enterprising, determined and creative members of our community.
Our Curriculum is designed to meet the personalised needs of each and every child. It reflects the local community and the ever changing wider world.
Our vision is simple – a pathway to success. Your child’s journey along the path will aim to equip them with the skills, knowledge and concepts they need to have the best possible start in their academic career and prepare them for the next stage of their education.
Come and see us in action and you will see what I mean!
Lindsay Burnett