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Welcome To

Pennine Way Primary School

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Ethos and Values





Pennine Way Pathway to Success


Happiness is ...


Together as a team providing an exciting and challenging learning environment which maximises independence, resilience and potential for all; Being proud of who we are, celebrating the strengths and differences that we have , working together as responsible and caring members of society.


The Equality Council's Mission Statement


Our School helps us to be happy and helps us to learn in a fun way. Our teachers make our work interesting so we can find out more. Our teachers help us to feel good about ourselves. They help build our confidence. Teachers help us to know what we can do better in. Our teachers help us know that everyone is different in their own way. Teachers help us to be independent. 


Pennine Way's Curriculum Intent


At Pennine Way the curriculum intent is one where students are enriched with the knowledge and the skills to create their own personal pathways. Allowing them to question, to comprehend and to evaluate the whys of today and to predict, to plan for and to voice the what-ifs of tomorrow. 


Pennine Way's Values






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Wellbeing Centre

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