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Welcome To

Pennine Way Primary School

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What is Safeguarding?


Safeguarding is the action that is taken at Pennine Way Primary School to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means:


  •  Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment.
  •  Preventing harm to children's health or development.
  •  Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care. 


We can talk with children and parents/carers about anything you want to talk about in our safe place, Wellbeing Centre (Dingley Dell). We ask you to please remember that if you tell me you are going to really hurt yourself or someone or that someone is really going to hurt you then we will talk about this and we will go and tell someone else together to keep you safe.


This is our promise in our safe place, Wellbeing Centre (Dingley Dell). 


Early Help Assessments


Please take a look at the leaflet below which should help explain the processes.

What to do of you have a concern about a child.

Explore Our

Wellbeing Centre

More Information