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Pennine Way Primary School

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As a school we place great importance on developing writing skills. We have a long term plan for each year group which ensures coverage of genres of writing. In the Early Years children are taught to write in a pre cursive style and from year 1 children are taught and expected to use a joined, cursive writing. We have developed a long term plan based on National Curriculum objectives to support progression across the year groups. Talk for writing is used to provide a structured form of teaching writing and providing the best outcomes for some of our blocks of writing, whereas others are based around specific writing skills and genres. The majority of our writing begins from reading a shared text, poem or example of non-fiction writing. 


The weekly writing focus is linked to daily Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation lessons in Key Stage 2 and phonics lessons in the early years and Key Stage 1 where possible to support children in their learning and help them to see the purpose. Emphasis is placed on accurate spelling of common exception words and from year 1 all children have access to dictionaries.


The quality of writing in foundation subjects will also develop familiarity and understanding of non-fiction and will be of the same standard as in English lessons. We moderate books throughout the year to ensure progress and that high expectations are maintained. This will allow us to identify any need for support and address this as soon as possible. Teachers will make judgements on writing at the end of every term which will be internally moderated, as well as regular moderation with other schools. We introduce pre cursive writing in Reception and begin joined up writing from year One.

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