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Pennine Way Primary School

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Wellbeing Centre (Dingley Dell)

What is the Wellbeing Centre?


Here at Pennine Way we work to establish and maintain an ethos where children feel safe and secure and will be listened to in an open and positive environment. We actively seek the views of children, listening to them and involving them in decisions giving the pupil a voice about their education and emotional wellbeing.


The school’s wellbeing centre is the 'Heart of the School'.

Mrs. Naylor,  Mrs Bell and Mrs McCormick all work with children in the Wellbeing Centre. The wellbeing centre is a special place that children and families can come to for many different activities using holistic approach:


  •  Enable children and families to reach their full potential within the school and local community
  •  Enable children to develop their self confidence, self-esteem and make positive choices now and in the future
  •  Help children to look after their body and mind and recognise the importance of emotional wellbeing
  •  Make friends, co-operate with other children, learn and develop social skills, work in groups, develop empathy for others, turn take and share
  •  Talk about and share worries or problems that can affect school or home life
  •  Help children to build resilience and self awareness
  •  Help children develop positive behaviours
  •  Enable children to learn how to keep themselves safe in the community and online
  •  Signpost children and families to outside agencies if and when required

What is mentoring and how is it offered?


Mentoring can be offered on a one to one basis or as part of a group mentoring of similar children experiencing the same worries or issues. The work addresses a range of issues such as building confidence, self esteem, friendship issues or helping children to manage feelings and worries. Together they will help explore the causes of the problems and help develop an understanding and self awareness of how to manage such worries. These run for as long as the child and mentor feels that the sessions are needed and the child feels more confident and resilient.  Help for these children will continue through the transition periods of their lives, moving classes and year groups and into secondary school.


What group sessions are offered in the wellbeing centre?


We offer a range of groups for children that can run for a term or as long as a child needs. Group sessions depend on the needs of the children and are tailored to the group’s needs and preferences. Group sessions can include:


  •  Friendship Groups
  •  Circle Time
  •  Relationship Work
  •  Mindfulness and Relaxation
  •  Building Resilience
  •  Getting Active
  •  Preparation for times of transition
  •  Cookery and Life Skills
  •  Transition Work
  •  Love Rocks
  •  Healthy Living


What else does Dingley Dell offer at Pennine Way Primary School?


The wellbeing centre also helps to organise many school events and school activities that involve the whole school! Below are just some examples of activities that the wellbeing centre is involved in.


  • Children can participate in the Equality Council or become a peer mentor for younger children.
  • Children can participate in the children’s safeguarding and online safety committee, Children can participate in the chess and board games club, chill and relaxation sessions, along with story time for the whole school during lunch time.
  • The wellbeing centre is also involved in and promotes the benefits of the ‘Breakfast club’  at Pennine Way Primary School. The breakfast club emphasises the importance of eating breakfast every day, healthy eating, promotes positive mental health and the development of social skills.


What is safeguarding?


Safeguarding is the action that is taken at Pennine Way Primary School to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means:


  •  Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment.
  •  Preventing harm to children's health or development.
  •  Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care. 


We can talk with children and parents/carers about anything you want to talk about in our safe place, Dingley Dell. We ask you to please remember that if you tell me you are going to really hurt yourself or someone or that someone is really going to hurt you then we will talk about this and we will go and tell someone else together to keep you safe.


This is our promise in our safe place, Dingley Dell. 


Wellbeing meetings    


We offer wellbeing meetings to liaise between teachers and parents and child to address any small worries and/or issues in a safe, informal and effective manner.


These issues can be for any reason including confidence, friendship, class work or tiredness.

The meetings are attended by the child. An action plan is drawn up with the child where all adults involved sign. The child then has the opportunity to take the lead. Allowing the child more ownership therefore the outcomes are more effective.


If it is felt other outside agencies would help the family then we will co-ordinate and Early Help Assessment (EHA).

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