Nursery is a fun and exciting place to be. We have lots of space both indoors and outdoors for the children to explore.
There are 7 areas of learning that we look at in Nursery. These are Personal, Social and Emotional; Physical; Communication and Language; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; and Expressive Arts and Design.
The majority of the children’s learning takes place through continuous provision activities and play, with the children learning from the experiences they have. However, Phonics, and Maths are specifically taught as independent activities each day; and JIGSAW and R.E. are taught weekly. Within class we have lots of story times as exposure to stories stretches children’s vocabularies, expands their horizons, increases their imagination, and extends their ability to learn. We also spend lots of time singing nursery rhymes and exploring music.
We cover a specific theme each half term, but also enjoy following the children’s interests, as these can lead us on amazing journeys and exciting adventures.
We use an online learning journal called Tapestry; as this allows us to share your child's experiences and communicate effectively with you. We also love it when you share what your child has been up to with you at home on it.
P.E. in Nursery is done through continuous provision and play. There is no need for a separate P.E. kit. However, the children have access to the outdoor areas continuously throughout all weather conditions, so waterproof coats and wellington boots are essential.
We believe that what children experience in nursery creates strong long lasting impressions, which the children take with them into the rest of their school lives. It is our aim to make these experiences the best they can possibly be!
If you have any questions please come and talk to the Nursery Team, we are happy to try and help.