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Physical Education Curriculum

Our Physical Education Curriculum actively encourages a healthy and active lifestyle throughout our whole school community, nurturing the chances for children to be creative, cooperative and competitive and to face up to diverse challenges both as individuals and in groups whilst portraying fairness and integrity. Our inclusive PE skills widen sporting experience and enjoyment creating a passion for active recreation and sport that will have long-term wellbeing benefits. Whether you feel your place is on the track, on the field, on the dance floor, on the apparatus or in the pool, there’s a pathway for all.

Physical Education Curriculum Intent

At Pennine Way Primary School it is our intent through P.E. lessons to offer pupils the opportunity to experience a variety of sports in order to allow them to develop skills in line with the National Curriculum, and to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. It is also our intent to provide children with opportunities to experience personal development through P.E. lessons, sports festivals and competitions (both inter and intra), and a wide range of clubs. In addition to this we wish to reinforce positive values such as fairness and respect. In addition to this, it is our intent to broaden children’s horizons by providing them with opportunities to experience and participate in sports they may not have previously had opportunities too incl. outdoor adventurous activities through trips and residential visits.

Physical Education Curriculum Implementation

In the Early Years all pupils are given the opportunity daily to undertake activities that provide appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors, whilst using a range of resources and equipment – provided through extended classroom provision. EYFS classes also have one specific PE lesson per week to teach specific skills in order to enable future progression.


All pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 have one specific P.E. lesson per week (which is a minimum of 1 hour). This is supplemented by a minimum of 20 minutes aerobic activity a day. For those classes with less active children an additional 10 minutes aerobic activity is advised. P.E. lessons are based on National Curriculum coverage and developing progressive skills in Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, and Swimming. In order to develop these progressive skills in depth within the Games coverage we focus on specific sports which are repeated every other year (Netball, Cricket, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Badminton and Football). This allows children to reinforce what has already been taught, develop new and more advanced skills, and learn about tactics and strategy within games.


In order to demonstrate these skills, pupils have the opportunity to participate in competitions, join in local cluster multi skill activities with other schools, and join after school club teams. Where possible we bring in external expert coaches to supplement the quality of teaching within the school, and enhance staffs CPD opportunity. Teaching staff work closely with the PE coordinator and SEND coordinator in order to ensure that planned activities for lessons are accessible to all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Within each P.E. lesson there should be elements of recapping previously learned skills, a warm up, new skills development, application of said skills within a game/performance situation, and cool down. Class Teachers highlight and model specific key vocabulary relevant to that lesson.

Physical Education Curriculum Map

Our Physical Education Curriculum Map gives an overview of what is taught in each year group and in which half term it is taught. There is a different study of PE during every half term in the school year. Where appropriate, studies have been placed to complement and work alongside studies from other subjects, e.g. a PE dance study on Greek Dancing while pupils are studying Athens and Greece in Geography and Ancient Greece in History. 

Physical Education Curriculum Skills and Critical Content

Our curriculum skills for Phsyical Education show the progression of skills within each aspect of Physical Education and throughout the different year groups.


Within the Early Years, development of core body strength, balance, coordination and agility in order to start accessing the curriculum skills in Year 1 and beyond should be prioritised. A focus will be on throwing, catching and using a range of equipment so that children develop confidence in receiving a ball. 


During Key Stage 1, the priority is embedding these basic skills of sending and receiving whilst developing skills in working cooperatively and competitively as children need to get used to winning and losing and working together as part of a team which will also ensure that social skills are prioritised. This will ensure they can play competitive games and understand tactics. The safe use of apparatus in gymnastics will be embedded so that they can progress to more advanced routines. 


As pupils move into Key Stage 2, the focus moves to learning how to defend and attack and the vital role of team work within this to be able to play a throwing and catching game whilst learning the basic rules to embed the ethos of playing fairly. In gymnastics, we have placed importance on improving technique, refining movements, control and balance on the floor and using apparatus. 


During Upper Key Stage 2, the priority is pupils applying their understanding of games, tactics and being emerged in a game in order to beat their opposition. In gymnastics, the focus moves onto paired work and then small groups to solve challenges and increase levels of confidence and resilience. 


As a school and due to children missing out on swimming experiences, we have made swimming a core school priority for all Key Stage 2 pupils. All pupils in Key Stage 2 will have 10 lessons which will be held in intensive blocks over a 2 week period. This has been proven to help children learn quicker and improve their retention of the skills. Children must know how to be safe in water.



Physical Education Curriculum Impact

Children at Pennine Way Primary School will develop a love of sports which will lead to fit and healthy children who have the confidence and skills necessary to participate in a variety of sports at a variety of different levels. Children will have also developed personal skills such as perseverance and teamwork.


Children will be assessed against NC and skills objectives. Assessment will be made by teacher observations and questioning. Children will be able to use Showbie (put together by Class Teachers – photos and key vocabulary) as a prompt when they discuss their learning. Assessment will be tracked centrally so it can be used to inform future planning by the current class teacher, P.E. coordinator, and future class teacher.

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