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Pennine Way Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


The teachers in Year 5 are: Mrs Fraser (Iguanas), Mr Ball (Jaguars) and Miss Robinson (Toucans). The support staff in Year 5 are: Miss Bazyk and Mrs Matthews. There are other members of staff that also help throughout the week.


During this term, we are focusing on embedding our three school rules (ready, respectful and safe) in all that we do. We are working on routines within the class to develop independence and reduce missed learning time, for example we are encouraging children to use the toilet at break/lunch time.


Year 5 are all going swimming this term as part of our P.E. Curriculum, as well as doing Fitness every Tuesday outside of swimming. We are starting guitars at the end of September: the children will continue to learn to play the guitar throughout the year. Our studies this term are: Greater Manchester in Geography, Anglo-Saxons in History, Animals including Humans in Science, Sikhism in R.E., sculpture in Art, and we are starting to learn Spanish!

Please can you read every day with your child, sign their reading record and return the book and record to school daily.


Thank you for your continued cooperation,

Year 5 Team



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